Reddit Funny Facebook Birthday Event Names

  			  				                                Artist Robbie Gore Williams with her proudest work, The Ramonas, during her professional debut at the Victor R. Small House.                                   Michael B. Hardison | Sampson Independent

Artist Robbie Gore Williams with her proudest work, The Ramonas, during her professional debut at the Victor R. Small House.

Michael B. Hardison | Sampson Independent

Robbie Gore Williams always had a love for art, but used it as a form of therapy or a hobby. That all changed last week when she made her debut as a professional artist here in the place she once called home.

Her show, titled "Split Personalities," was held at the Victor R. Small House on Thursday, where all in attendance got to see her many works. Abstract paintings and vibrant colors filled the building.

While Williams finally made her debut, she hadn't always planned to become a professional artist. Being a native of Sampson County, she'd return home in 2018 after working in fashion for many years in Wake Forest. She shared insight on how she became an artist.

"I grew up in Clinton and didn't live here after college and lived in Wake Forest for about 20 years," she said. "I took some art classes in college — I didn't major in art, I just took a few classes and I loved it. When I graduated, I went into fashion and design. That was my career."

"Then the last few years, I started painting again," Williams continued. "I was able to take that love of color and design and now do it painting with canvases and paper."

Williams' show "Split Personalities" wasn't named randomly and is tied to her life and her proudest work since returning to art, The Ramonas. She'd tell the story behind her show, a story linked to her sister who passed years ago which inspired the series.

"The show is very different and there are lots of varies colors which I love," she said. "There's yellows, also some cocktails, some blacks and even more muted designs."

"The series that I'm probably most proud of though is called The Ramonas," Williams said. "They are inspired by my sister that passed away in 2017. They are fun, they have funny names, they're all ladies with different names, different hair colors and backgrounds, but they all have her blue eyes."

"They also all have that sarcastic look on their face — they're just fun but they have a serious side just like my sister did so that's really the series I'm most proud of," she added.

Williams was selling her work during her show, but none of it was for her profit as all proceeds will go toward women living with cancer. She expressed her gratitude for those supporting her.

"I've just been unbelievably grateful that they asked me to show my work," Williams said. "This show has been thrilling and terrifying all at the same time, and I just really thank everybody. The community, it's just been so supportive. Not only just in including me when I moved back here, but now with art, it's just been a lot of a lot of fun."

Williams plans to continue as a professional artist in Sampson County.

"The thing about art is, to me, it's like the same as yoga or meditation," she said "When you're doing it, that's really all you can think about so it's therapeutic, calming and I just love getting lost for hours in a painting. So yes, I will continue to paint. It would be amazing if I could have a following and be able to do this, I think it'd be a dream."

"It's funny, I enjoy math and I'm very analytical and all of my other jobs have been very business-minded," Williams added. "With this, I just have to paint what I love and I can't think about the end result as far as commercial successful or painting for other people. It's really been like using a different side of me."

Williams' art work will be on display at the Victor R. Small House until June 23 and is open to the public for viewing.

Reach Michael B. Hardison at 910-592-8137, ext. 2588 or 910-249-4231. Follow us on Twitter at @SamsponInd, like us on Facebook, and check out Instagram at @thesampsonindependent.


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